3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Icons IK_1820 St. Stephen the First Martyr and Archdeacon
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Icons IK_1818 Holy Martyr Miroslava of Constantinople
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Icons IK_1815 Icon of the Mother of God Ekonomissa (Housebuilder)
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Icons IK_1805 St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Icons IK_1802 Bogolyubskaya Icon of the Mother of God
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Icons IK_1792 St. Theodosius Archbishop of Chernihiv
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Icons IK_1787 Holy Righteous Foremother Leah
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Icons IK_1782 St. Nicholas the Wonderworker of Mozhaisk
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Icons IK_1781 Martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sofia
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Icons IK_1723 St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (Rostov )
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Icons IK_1720 Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, Saint Agathoclea
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Icons IK_1717 St. Xenia of St. Petersburg, St. Dmitry of Solun ,St. Alexander Nevsky, St. John of Kronstadt, St. George the Victorious
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Icons IK_1711 Icon of the Virgin Worthily Eat (Merciful)
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Icons IK_1699 Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Icons IK_1692 St. Panteleimon the Great Martyr and Healer
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Icons IK_1691 St. Panteleimon the Great Martyr and Healer
3D STL MODEL FOR CNC Icons IK_1689 Miraculous Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God Odigitria
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